Once again, Junior attacked me for no reason and he believed to the troll without having 100% evidence proof.
When this controversy drama happen, I was just playing at my free time without knowing that this drama started.
Yes, him and his girlfriend believed on this manipulative troll from their discord server. Stating that I and killman (The author of AML, stands for Android Mod Loader) stealing their mods without any evidence provided.
I already think that this troll seems to be a former member from AML Discord server and got banned for unacceptable behaviour and having a revenge by throwing lies and hate to Mixmods discord server, so they will get the attention from what he was sending. Unfortunately, they believed to this troll which it makes them brainwashed.
I don't even know that Junior allowed me to port his mod even I stopped porting his or his girlfriend's mod since the previous drama was started.
1st drama controversy
Before the controversy started, it is true that I did this to my mod posts from this blog. And, I'm not considering myself as the main author of the mod, putting my name at the top of the credit lists, it is also doesn't mean that I'm the author of the mod.
On that time, I was lazy to put every author's credentials on the credits on mod posts, but I've provided the author's credentials on the readme files of the mod which it makes it less time for me to write the post.
This was me that I admitted due to my laziness, I have to put every author's credentials in the mod posts. Because, they already think that I steal their mods by putting my name at the top of the credits list.
When I said that I'm re-downloading the mods to just check the author inside the readme file. It was already done before he saw it, I mean is I have to download the mods to copy paste the credits inside the readme file into my mod posts, so I don't have to type manually the credits, because most of them I forgot what authors did to the specific mods.
He misunderstood it and claims that I did not put the credits inside the readme file.
This also misunderstood him, it doesn't mean that I'm the author of the mod, I put myself as the author as I made this a modpack, I compiled the mods into 1 pack. If you look at the readme files of the mods, you will see more specific author's credentials to the mod. Like I said, since I was lazy, it makes them to not fully understood it, and I admitted my mistake for being laziness.
It was this mod, he also didn't know that I manually edited and adapt Ezekiel's Insanity CJ's Face texture to Vanilla head textures with Navetsea's haircut textures, so it would just a retexture insanity mod instead of replacing a remake models and textures. And everything else's mod I just compiled to it.
PC & Mobile compatibility
One of example he thinks, it will work without porting is the "Project Immerse" mod which it adds lights and illumination on the houses & buildings.
On this comment, he said that the porter just reuploaded the mod without doing anything. The truth is without porting this mod to Mobile, it will result the textures to have missing or white color which it doesn't match the textures names from the game files. Because in Mobile version, the texture names are case-sensitive meaning it should be match as is the casing of the letters on the texture names from the model. While in PC, some of the letters are upper-cased on the texture names which it's different from the vanilla texture names that is resulting the textures to be missing or white color because it's mismatched.
This was on his website post where he compared my ported Mesh Smoothed Pack.
It was coincidental that it matched without doing anything, but before they updated the mod, it was uppercased letters which Mobile doesn't support it, then I renamed those DFF files to be lowercased in order to work on Mobile, but suddenly when they re-updated the mod into lowercased as well, they think now that I did nothing.
They also only compared those DFF files without knowing that I've also deleted "gwforum1_LAe.dff" file, making the mod to be worked properly in Mobile which also it makes crash to Mobile, that file exists also in PC.
CheesePatch controversy
This mod offers a decent fixes and restored features, unfortunately Junior claims also that I stole these fixes and features from existing mods from PC without providing any proof of evidence. He thinks that I just took the source codes of those mods and put it to my script which is a lie.
Someone also mentions that I took his Plane Disappearance Fix mod,
I made it from scratch, on his version, it doesn't include the vortex disappearance fix as I tested in PC while mine I did.
Before I'm making that mod, I'm already experimenting things on PC with random script testing. Most of the time, I also make Mobile mods in PC. And currently, I'm also started porting Mobile exclusive mods to PC that wasn't existed for years that I'm the only one who made it.
Truth and real information
It is the fact that Junior just manipulating people to make people believe about his claims, almost everything he said was false, he already made the damage on my reputation as a modder.
On this picture, this was GTA SA Story Mode 2.0 mod made by ElYisusKing & GTA III, VC & SA Windowed Mode was made by ThirteenAG and maxorator, but as you can see, it's named under by Junior himself, meaning if you download this mod, he will get paid directly instead to the creator of the mod which is unfair.
It's been years since he done this to the other people's mods. I don't have problems about the mods he contributed with, as long as he has contribution to a mod, it's good to reupload it, but with other work's mod without any contribution, it's not good. It's better to download on the original source of those mods instead directly to Mixmods website because of lazyness. That's the real flaw of the modding rules, reuploading instead of using the author's link.
Before I started Mobile modding in 2020, I already know the rules of modding. I was also a PC modder way back since 2008, the only reason why I shifted to Mobile platform because it is limited compared to PC, that's why I'm making the mods as best as possible similar to PC mods and that's my objective as Mobile modder. I'm not competing someone, I just want to share and contribute to the Mobile community.
And please, stop manipulating false informations, it just makes the community worse and toxic.