• Realistic Weapon Data for SA PC/Mobile •

**Updated [01/22/2022]**
- Fixed an crash issue on Two Handed Gun version where peds use colt45 pistol.

• Author •

This modification will changes the statistics of the weapons in the game, such as Accuracy, Ammo, Damage & Fire Rate. Also all weapon was adjusted and it was synchronized to real life weapons.

• Changes •
- Improved Fire Rates
- Increased Aim Distance
- Increased Damage
- Removed Dual Wields
- Weapon Skills Improved (Accuracy & Aim Distance will increases depends to your Weapon Skills)

• Known Bug •
Sometimes SMGs can be jammed. To remove it, just switch to other weapon and switch it to SMG again then it will back to normal state.

Installation is on the readme file.

• Normal version 
File size: 2 KB

• Two Handed Gun version 
File size: 4 KB